To the attention of interested persons
As a reply to the recent press article (https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-esential-22223144-vlad-mixich-fost-vicepresedinte-agentiei-nationale-medicamentului-anm-sunt-42-paznici-operatori-dar-doar-4-oameni-decid-daca-medicament-merita-sau-nu-fie-compensat.htm), the NAMMD wishes to inform its collaborators, partners, patients, public and all interested persons that it has the priority, for the upcoming period, of making amendments related to the organisation, operation, wage levels of employees and other issues, so as to ensure optimisation of the Agency’s activity.
Both specialists involved in assessment and authorisation of medicinal products for human use, in pharmaceutical inspection, pharmacovigilance, medical technologies assessment, authorisation of clinical trials conducted in Romania, in all issues related to medical devices, or in proposition of profile regulations, as well as the supporting staff of the Agency, perform and develop their professional expertise under specific conditions, unique at national level. The appropriate amendment of the regulatory framework of the NAMMD organisation and operation is entitled to allow implementation of certain working conditions, comparable to those of other competent authorities in the field, without which the Agency’s mission within the EU network of specific national authorities cannot be optimally fulfilled.
Given its good relationship with the Ministry of Health, the NAMMD expresses its belief according to which its ongoing approaches shall have a happy end, thus leading to a good performance of the NAMMD activity, whose main purpose is the safeguard of public health.